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网址:www.jiezhuang.au08.cn  2020-12-11  作者:admin    阅读:

Boundary mark of reservoir river channel
The surface above the ground of cuboid (trimming) boundary post shall be marked, with the facade facing the management area as the front and the facade facing the management area as the back. The front and back sides shall be marked in inscriptions, while the left and right sides can be marked by spraying.
长方体(修边)界桩正面、背面标注中国水利标志图形 和“管理范围界”5个汉字;长方体(修边)桩左面标注河湖或水利工程名称;长方体(修边)桩右面标注界桩编号及设立日期。
The front and back of the cuboid (trimming) boundary post are marked with Chinese water conservancy logo and 5 Chinese characters of "management scope boundary"; the left side of the cuboid (trimming) pile is marked with the name of river, lake or water conservancy project; the right side of the cuboid (trimming) pile is marked with the number and establishment date of the boundary post.
(3)埋设要求:地面以下600毫米,地上露出400毫米,下设50毫米 C10混凝土垫层,回填时先回填C10混凝土300毫米,再回填土250毫米,保证填筑密实。界桩点位能控制河湖和水利工程管理范围边界的基本走向。
(3) Embedding requirements: 600mm below the ground, 400mm exposed above the ground, 50mm C10 concrete cushion under the ground. When backfilling, the C10 concrete of 300mm shall be backfilled first, and then 250mm shall be backfilled to ensure dense filling. The location of boundary stake points can control the basic trend of the boundary of river lake and water conservancy project management scope.
(4) The boundary of Gaoyou Lake (Gaoyou Lake) and the Yangtze River (Gaoyou Lake) should be determined according to the boundary of Gaoyou Lake and Gaoyou Lake.

